Sunday, November 20, 2011

Epilogue and Acknowledgements

Another trip had come to a conclusion, they always seem to come to an end of sorts and I am left with lots of memories and photos. Actually, I am also left with lessons, aspirations, inspirations and if lucky another trip to plan. I guess the first part of this trip had been about “the run”, New York New York it has taken me just on 5 hours to run across its five districts and I am sure it would take a few life times to discover its 9 million stories. It’s true we all have a story each is as complex as those of Kings or heads of state, as intricate as a simple blue-collar worker and as intense as young love. Just as I have fallen in love with every other city I visited, I have fallen for NYC but unlike any other city I have not fallen for its beauty or wonders but for its intensity. The city that “never sleeps” actually does because if you want to see a quiet NYC wake up early, there is hardly anyone there to greet you. The city is vibrant, its electric its bright and at intervals overwhelming. NYC taught me about goals, I had plenty of goals that included: 1) Getting there – it was something I really wanted to do…Lets just say it’s a bucket list item 2) Raising the set target for the Kids HelpLine (that may seem trivial but it really wasn’t) Thank you to all the friends and family that had assisted and I am yet to draw that raffle (some probably forgot but someone out there perhaps not even a person reading this will win an IPad2 pre Xmas. 3) I wanted to finish the Marathon in a BP which was under 4:30 but actually targeting 3:30 (which hasn’t happen yet ☹) its ok it will 4) Find a bit more about myself. Washington DC had reminded me of a city that is guarded like a fortress, all its buildings were these magnificent modern day “castles”. It seemed to me that it didn’t matter what building you entered it just came across as something that was built to guard & protect whatever is inside it. The flags which fly everywhere do portray more than patriotism, it reflected majesty or pride. Starting with the White House to every museum to Capitol Hill & even memorials, it all collectively portrayed something that needed protecting. The amount of police presence in both DC & NYC is overwhelming and it does come across as a paranoid state but after attending Ground Zero, I am wondering what would any of us do if we had come home and found that our house had been plundered? San Francisco was by far more chilled than either of the other two cities. It was warm (and I don’t mean just the climate). It was a typical artists haven. The buildings had ancient warmth in them, its hills as wavy as a ride in the surf, it’s people were friendly yet unimposing. San Fran definitely had Melbourne’s vibe and soul. Its theatres and streets and warmth and funk are to behold, I really could live (and long to) in a place like that. I can assure you I have attempted and perhaps succeeded at achieving some of my goals. Lessons of NYC some tall buildings held the record of the tallest building for years, months, weeks, days and some just for hours. Everyone had aspired to be grandeur and set their sight on the next target and some were only beating their target by a few metres or less. The fact is the top 10 tallest buildings in the world do not feature a single building from NYC (REFERENCE: ) Pretty poor effort you would say… I disagree I was eavesdropping on some “bankers” (not sure if that was their occupation but they looked like they should have had a Big W tattooed) in a bar/restaurant. These distinguished gents were my inspiration to discuss goals and their target was Barrack Obama and the comment that caught my attention was “What has he achieved, big whoop so he made president but is still a failure”. I was dumb founded and personally wanted to leap over the counter and smack them in the mouth but decided to think that again. Barrack Obama according to the Times Magazine Top 100 most influential people in the world for 2011 is at Number 86… Michelle Obama is at 22 (Times Top 100) Yet, according to Forbes Barrack Obama ranks as the most Powerful Person in the world. Forbes Top 100 Interesting isn’t it, I am wondering if I was given the choice of being the most powerful Vs the most influential. If you used the link you had have learned that according to Times the most influential person in the world is a 30 year old “Wael Ghonim”a 30 year old Egyptian who as a successful google executive was one of the youth that instrumented the revolutions in Egypt earlier this year. So who would you choose, the person that affects the change that moves millions to revolt against a dictatorship regime and not only do you do that in your home land but inspires millions and millions to uprise across the whole region. Or would you prefer to be the most powerful person that cannot pass a single legislation to benefit his people (those who elected him to office)? Food for thought However, I have realised that our goals are like our lives and they never cease or end. I for one believe that goals are not something we have achieved but something we are yet to achieve and I guess in a mad kind of way it’s a reflection of my life at the moment. I have plenty of goals to achieve and aspire to achieve them. I have no aspiration of being the most influential or the most powerful. I do however want to be the best at being the “Best Dad” my kids can have. To me all the other goals that have been achieved are a memory and all the ones yet to achieve will only be memories. The only goal that will ever be everlasting are the memories of my children growing, happy and loved and that’s all I can aspire for, everything else is only a mean for me to fill the void while I am fulfilling that one goal. “A man cannot be comfortable without his own Approval” ~Mark Twain. And for the time being I am comfortable that I am still striving to achieve that goal. Thank you and from the conclusion of yet another adventure I bid you farewell. PS A few readers have advised that I write it in the same manner I speak...its because I don't proof read or edit so its just a rant...but at least you know its honest...Thanks :) Over and Out H

Thursday, November 17, 2011

DAY 13 USA 14th November 2011

I am sure there will come a time when I am travelling somewhere and will not rely on general knowledge but will take the example of Mandy (friend from Seattle) who actually pre reads and plans on what she will be seeing and knows why she is choosing to travel there. Until such time, I am going to continue to wing it and rely on valuable feedback from Mandy, Dana, Rigot, Amanda and whatever else means available at the time (mostly things I stumble on as I am walking aimlessly or lost & Facebook comments) Sorry, I promise to try to get it right sometimes in the near future. Thankyou Mandy & Rigot for your invaluable insights and advise for without it I would just walk until I am tired and return back to the Hotel to sleep. The San Francisco experiment started with me lugging all my camera gear and walking three blocks and finding a beautiful big church and taking a few snaps before realising I left the memory cards back at the hotel and there are no photos saved…Great start…I go back to the Hotel, get my memory cards and when I return to the church, there is a funeral service…so although tempting to sneak in, I find it inappropriate and never actually made it back that way. I then get carried away with the ornate architecture that I start losing focus of where I was heading (the golden gate bridge) and just follow buildings as I spot them…. I end up in front of City Hall and the Opera… The box office just opened and I see a poster of Carmen and decide that if there is a ticket why not? Now I am supposed to leave on Tuesday night but Carmen is on late Tuesday so I decide to stay on and skip LA til next time… Now I am walking and after about 100 shots (minimum) I receive a text that I should check out Ocean Beach…and the next thing I see is a metro/tram that has a sign that says Ocean Beach…Now this next bit I get from my father I get on the tram and there is no place to purchase a ticket and I am having a panic attack… There is no one at the station that I can talk to and I am in down town and not absolutely sure I am in the right place (although I have an inkling I am in the wrong place)…I miss a few trams until I find someone friendly that I can ask about the direction I should be travelling in and finally the station assistant arrives back in the booth and allows me to buy my $2 ticket…phew… Its tram N and heading to the end of the line…(in case someone who actually is reading this needs to know that simple trivial matter (my advise is read the lonely planet as all information on this blog is likely to be misleading and inaccurate; not to mention also very biased) I make to Ocean Beach and it reminds me of Cable Beach in Broome but only by its vast openness and the length of the beach…Other than that, its cold, windy and you can see the rips in the water are deadly so no thanks but believe it or not some people are tanning and by tanning I mean they are in their shorts and t-shirts and exposing part of their bellies not bikini tanning as its really only about 17 degrees. More photos snapped and I know I talk allot about photos but promise to put some on flicker ASAP (sometimes before Xmas ☺ ) The walk from Ocean Beach to Golden Gate Bridge is superb, the weather is balmy and I’m informed its only about 50 mins walk to the bridge (which I later discover is a lie, ok maybe a fib) its actually about 6 miles to the bridge and then to get across the bridge and back is another 1 and a bit so all in all about 7 miles walk and its almost the whole afternoon…But I did it and it was brilliant way to start introducing my body to exercise again. Maps Here As I finished the walk Marty had texted me and said that he is 15 mins away and we will be heading out for the San Francisco tour (Local Marty style.) I didn’t realise that 15 mins meant an hour and 15 mins but I got a couple of minutes of Zzzz waiting which was not bad at all. True to his words from back in Seville early in the year when I first met Marty , he did show me the town, we drove to the Twin Peaks , Chinatown, the Fisherman’s Wharfs, Coit Towers , past the occupy San Francisco tent city, the strip clubs (which seem a large number), then to Balboa’s (used to be owned by the Mayor-(insider Info) ) and finally dinner at Umami Burger (Union Street is also for the up and coming) After a few cocktails and a Scallop and Bacon Burger with a couple of beers we even stopped at a house that is rumoured to be J-Lo ‘s and on that note we end another crammed day full of photos, sore feet, new knowledge and perspective on San Francisco and with all of that Info I hit the hay. Thank you Marty for a great night and hope to one day pay the favour when you visit Sydney Town.

DAY 14 USA 15th November 2011

 After being awake most of the night with headache, fever and enough flam to rival any camel I am not sure I have any energy left in me for anything today. I am planning on an easy day. Maybe a walk two blocks to Japan town and then a visit to Alcatraz and a nana nap before the Opera and sleep tonight so I can pack for tomorrow’s trip home… Good plan?

It starts ok with the 2 blocks walk but then moves into a 2 miles hike to get to the ferry for Alcatraz from Pier 33.  Followed by a two hour walking audio-guided tour of Alcatraz. Then head back to the Wharfs for Clam Chowder (thanks Amanda). Now I make the mistake of realizing I haven’t bought my mum a pressie & that was a BIG MISTAKE. I go from one present for mum to bags and bags and bags & I am tired and no time to nap and stressing about the luggage and baggage weight. Arrrgh! Ok, I am blaming my mum for that J

I get to the Opera and there are some seriously ends of the spectrum, there are those dressed like they have been invited to meet the queen, there are those in Jeans, there are those in dresses and suits and arrive on push bikes, there are those that are dressed in ragged jeans and t-shirts and even one lady was dressed in a kimono.

The Opera building is magnificent and I am almost embarrassed that I am hungry and they were selling sandwiches in the foyer and me standing alone with a glass of red vino and a turkey wrap seemed wrong…Thankfully, no one would ever know that (til now)

The seat is front row dress circle but the guy next to me makes me nervous by leaning forwards so much I feel he is about to fall over the railings. Also, the girl behind me must have been a hopeful cast (perhaps rejected) but she attempted to sing along before the Opera started as the Orchestra was warming up…Thankfully that did not occur during the performance J

The Opera was in French with English subtitles, the cast was brilliant and it included a children’s chorus line of almost 30 kids (probably between 9-13) very impressive. The props were superb and it was definitely a play to behold. Although, I still think that the Albert Hall Performance in London was by comparison much larger scale from a prop and stage but the voices of the San Francisco Opera performers was grandeur and especially in French…
I highly recommend it to anyone who appreciates the arts to attend a theatrical performance and please don’t go in jeans to the opera, even a grub like me knows that.

That was a superb way to conclude my last night in the USA for 2011…Thank you San Francisco…

DAY 12 USA 13th November 2011

There is allot left to be desired for travelling in the US especially coast to coast. DC to SFO is 3000 miles??? Or thereabouts but I was abut to discover distance is not measure in a straight line, its like lightning, it always zig zags. A flight from DC to SFO direct is approximately 4 and a bit hours but costs about $1000 US if you want to do the last minute as I often do. There is a price for spontaneity…now at $379 you can do the trip in 7 hours (plus 3 hours transit & about $60 for luggage) and yet somehow now the $1000 fare seems like a fair price. I got to Washington International about 11 am DC time (8:00 am SF) and land in San Fran at 10 pm…a long bloody day…the only useful thing I did was get a chance to write the blog (Ok some reading this would disagree and not find that a useful task at all) However, the funniest thing that happened that day while I was writing the blog goes along the following path… I was sitting in my rocking chair and even had my headphones on…when after about 3 hours of typing I hear this man going absolutely off his head (supposedly talking to his wife) I only pick at the conversation at something my ears just pricked up at the following sentence… “Honey, I need to work and don’t need to sleep at your relatives floor so I visit them when I am in town…I don’t need this!” And whoosh memories just come crashing on the shores… the conversation goes for about 20 minutes and I am so absorbed in it to the point I almost miss my flight by delaying my check-in through security screening” The man continues pleading with his Mrs who apparently also disclosed to those relatives what he was in DC for which almost drives him up the wall again because its not information that should be in the public domain yet. The conversation is funny in that personally I think the man is an idiot… 1. Don’t discuss on the pillow what you should not discuss in the pub (general rule I learnt the hard way) 2. If you are being flown by work don’t be a cheapskate and charge your hotel to work…saving them pennies by staying somewhere where you won’t be ready for work the next morning is moronic & no one benefits. 3. He really was repeating himself too many times and I don’t believe she was listening or intending to…Proof is he ended the conversation by, Thanks honey don’t worry about it I will call them and apologise that I won’t make it” A conversation I might add he handled very well by making it out that he appreciates their kind offer but he is extremely sorry as he did not wish to intrude and impose on their kindness especially that (assuming speaking to his wife’s relative) that they have a new baby and her mother in law staying as well. Good recovery but 30 minutes waste of time…. After a long flight and cab ride I made it to San Fran and the Queen Anne Hotel was a tad out of town but like most of these little quirky place it was delightful, clean and full of Xmas cheer. Queen Anne

Sunday, November 13, 2011

DAY 11 USA 12th November 2011

Technically I still have another day in DC tomorrow but I am so worn out and can’t think of anything else to see so I just wonder over to get my 10 days of stinky laundry to see if I can have it washed… The only Laundromat wanted two days to return them so I headed to the Coin Op Laundromat and had a “Big Bang Theory moment with Sheldon talking to Penny with the exception really no one looked friendly enough to chat to so I separated my darks and whites and washed and read the newspaper and drank my Canada Dry and bag of dry chips…Hee Har … I am almost 39 and this is the first time I do this…Net time bring a book the papers are a bunch of shite except for the article of this guy that risked his life as a community services worker who went into a tornado and saved three disabled adults and in the process was injured and almost died only to have his claim denied by the workers compensation insurance…The Claim was $2.5 Million in medical expenses… God Damn… Not much else today other than updating my software on all my devices…Fun Fun Fun…What a geek… Dinner was a whole new extravaganza well it was a poor cousin to a Moulin Rogue and allot less risquĂ© but the cocktails were so worth it and the dancing was ok for the most part albeit lacking real energy in the choreography… The Sax Restaurant Now that leaves an impression of DC to linger for a while.

DAY 10 USA 11th November 2011

Technically at home its Remembrance day and 11/11/11 on the 11th hour is something special…Although, that was some 15 hours earlier…I held my moments silence in my time zone… “Lest we forget” 11/11/11 is a special day (allegedly) I think people make too much of those days but what is the next time after 12/12/12 comes around? First of March 13? Numbers are really irrelevant and freaks just need to chill out a bit. Another glorious sunshiny day in the Capital... Good Morning DC (regrettably leaving the Morrison Clark) but that regret does not linger long especially when checking in the all superior serviced Washington Hilton But before that it was anther walk and a few more photos The Museum of Natural History and The Air & Space Museums are not to be missed…Memorial on Veterans day. The Lincoln Memorial Unfortunately, the camera battery died and after walking for 7 hours again I just wanted a rest. And a rest is indeed what I got at the Hilton…great superior service and fantastic accommodation and its not expensive for what you get. The suite included Internet, personal concierge, breakfast and even afternoon tea… Highly recommended stay for any business or someone who appreciates all life’s little luxuries. The evening started with a telephone chat with another friend, planning another European getaway and booking to go to San Francisco and hoping to catch up with Selvi and Marty. Will see how I go. Then it was off to dinner with Dana at yet another great recommendation Perry’s Adams Morgan and apparently there is a drink of Scotch and Sparkling…mmm ok… The food was delightful and the sashimi and Pork Schnitzel were amazing. The character of the evening goes to “Anthony of San Diego”…definitely a stoner who was very amuzing and probably seeing him in a dark alley wil make you turn around and run but very entertaining as he was bumming cigis all night and off everyone that walked in. The other misfit was this Asian looking bartender dude that spoke Spanish …Only in America… Very amusing and a great night of drinks, food and fun.

DAY 9 USA 10th November 2011

Head is aching with a very nasty cold…Those damn cold sores do really mean I am about to be bowled over and every part of me is aching.. Neurofen and lots of water and Orange Juice to be had today Headed to China town for a decent coffee and trust me its worth the walk of 8 blocks as other coffees are just shite. Thank you Dana for another successful recommendation. From there she heads back to Uni and I to the long long long walk up Massachusetts Avenue towards al the various embassies and up o the National Cathedral . The same as per the monument the cathedral is going through major rebuilding after the earthquake that hit D C earlier this year so no access but would have loved to see Darth Vader . Maybe Next Time From there more walking and down to George Town I had a mammoth lunch and when I walked out it was raining ☹ well not bad for a first bit of rain and somehow I didn’t mind the rain as I just got in a cab and headed to the Hotel and had a nice snooze. In the evening ventured to almost the first decent looking (busy bar) in down town which happened to be Capitol City Brewing Co. Where I sat on the bar, ordered my beer and pretzel and watch College football pretending with some random that I know what I am talking about regarding a game I have almost no understanding of ;) I had another burger and a few more ciders and at closing time I was satisfied I had sufficiently immersed myself in “All American Bar Culture”… Struggled back up the hill and crashed in bed.

DAY 8 USA 9th November 2011

Halfway point of my American Adventure 2011! Really? I feel there is months needed to even see just this place alone. But, maybe next time. I went to the Newseum (News Museum) and after 3 hours in there decided that I have so much to see and do and no chance I will have all of that by tomorrow as I had planned to leave to catch with some of the guys at New Orleans. So decided New Orleans will have to wait til next time and to stay the extra few nights in DC and see more of the museums and as I at least had a personal reference guide in Dana (not to mention Rigot over Facebook) it’s a town definitely chilled to kick on and go to a few museums and superfluous amount of landmarks to have happy snaps. Visited Capitol Hill and then headed to Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) and the Renwick Gallery . The art in there varied from the bizarre to the amazing but I can’t say I had the inkling to take many photos. The evening little bar that reminded me of the old Newtown bars (Sydney). The Red Derby was filled with students that had gone out of there way to stand out only to mingle in there own extremities and people much like themselves. Burgers and Sweet Potato chips for dinner and even got my arse kicked in chess… I am blming that on senility of old age Vs a very young sharp brain. DC is definitely the kind of chilling town that every corner has a museum and thus far very fascinating bars and nightlife. Makes me wish I got here earlier in life. Better late than never.

DAY 7 USA 8th November 2011 – Washington D C (The Capitol)

I cannot stop raving about the DISTRIKT hotel ( or staff in that hotel. Definitely worth a visit if someone wants a recommendation for a nice hotel. It doesn’t have the grandeur expected from a hotel but location and service are essential to its soul. A little walk around the city and a little more shopping on 5th Avenue and then it was a race to get to the train to DC…Believe it or not I walked 7 blocks carrying 3 bags and wheeling another one. And yes I was sweating like a pig. I got to Penn Street Station and booked what is my first First Class travel on the express to D C () The service on the train was exceptional and loved the Wi-Fi, the relaxing stress free atmosphere and the meal was better than any airline food ☺ It ran 15 minutes late in Jersey and who cares really…well not I. I made it to Union Street Station Then from there to The Morrison Clark highly recommended if you are staying in DC. The first stop was to head down to the White House What I noticed along the way were squirrels and protestors but just a great place to walk to. I had a few hours to kill before I was due to catch up with a friend (Dana) for dinner later that evening. Equipped with my camera and a body recovered (somewhat) from the marathon I continued walking for about 2 hours… Loads of photos and I am already in love with DC. Somewhere deep inside I still reminisce about going to Uni and having that dream job as an economic policy maker… Well, its never too late. Dinner was at this amazing little wine bar with a bottle (maybe two) of kiwi wine and Dana’s mesmerising company discussing law, studies and job prospects. Talking about career, drive and success and she reminds me of a young Hany who thought that working hard and delivering the impossible is the true gate to happiness as it’s direct delineation of measure of worth. Much older Hany now does not hold those same beliefs and although it’s very tempting to explain that to her; however, we agree to leave the topic alone and agree that some lessons are only learnt by personal experience. I have to say that for a gen-Y, she clearly has intriguing perceptions of her surrounding world and a level of maturity and smarts not easily demonstrated by people much older than her young years. It’s funny that we meet again after our one off chance meeting in Lisbon early in the year. The world is a very small place.

DAY 6 USA 7th November 2011

Totally unexpected but I pulled up ok… Bags packed I checked out of Park Central – and it wasn’t without a drama…To this morning I am still swaying whether I stay the night in NYC or head to DC. At the end I decided to stay on and have dinner with George & some of his friends (fellow Aussie expats). Headed to Tiffany to collect my money clip with my time…although I was disappointed with my efforts it was great to see that my time was still under 5:00 hours and probably grateful I finished. The day really only constituted of shopping (to the point where I needed to buy a new bag (SUITCASE)) Booked myself in the DISTRIKT hotel which restored my faith that there is the servce that you get on the streets available in the Hotels…it’s the simple things like asking me what room I would like? To having a clean and well equipped room with service staff that are chatty, happy and willing to assist…PARK Central Take note…in fact all employers take note, happy staff= happy customers = more revenue and return business. The afternoon was naptime and early in the evening headed towards the “funky” part of town for dinner. The restaurant was amazing and full. Its hard to imagine how the US economy could be deteriorating into a recession or a slow down when I believe that the restaurant takings that evening could equate to a small country’s GDP. The Smith It’s hard to imagine but on the streets you can see some clear signs of poverty and some people doing it tough (although I was later reminded that that is not necessarily true either). The dinner discussions varied from the entertaining, to the political, to running to Carbon… The discussions were nothing short of polar opposites of what most discussions I had with any of my current close knit friends. It didn’t mean I disagreed with it but it was a very different perspective. The company on my end of the table had very intellectual, business savvy and successful group of people. I am not sure if I changed or my ideals of the world around me have? I know I firmly believe in a free economy and in micro economic policy. However, I also believe that there are those who are less fortunate than myself that require to be taken care of and these should rely on government or macro policy to aid them and ensure that their quality of life does not deteriorate especially in economic downturns. I believe that our environment had been exploited and it is not sustainable to continue destroying it for economic prosperity. I do recognise that as someone stated “Carbon is good for the environment” what that person missed is excessive carbon emissions are not good for the environment. I believe that Carbon tax will allow us to invest in greener energy and perhaps we don’t have all f the facts of what that means yet and the argument would go on forever that green energy has a negative case whether it be, wind generators are an eye sore but there needs to be continual development of new initiatives and until such time those vital discoveries are made then funds are required for R&D and so the cycle continues. I do recognise that it has taken me a few years to recognise that I don’t need excessive wealth to be happy but I do need to be well above the poverty line to be happy and sustain a comfortable (if not at times a lavish) life style. I just haven’t figured it all out yet. I know if I have a million I would probably spend it and part of me will also allow me to invest some of it…we’ll see… This evening actually probably just spurred me a little to recognise I will need to again get back to the work force soon. I have had plenty of good times and working again will just allow me to continue doing that. That was the end of another evening and what is my last night in NYC for 2011 (guaranteed)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

DAY 5 USA 6th November 2011 (ING NYC Marathon Day)

The 4:30 start is tiring with little sleep… The fact that I found a dirty sock in my linen was even a bigger disappointment. The argument with the travel agent over email regarding the BS with the Qantas Tickets rubbish and no wonder I am wired to the max… Team photos – Check Gels and crap – Check Coach running late – Check Get to the start line – Check Talking to a Mr. Munro (Josh & Chris dad- small world people) – Check Missing the Wave 1 start because the schmucks decide to close the Corals early because they let partners run in the same wave and filled the quota early… - Check (arrrgh) Falling asleep at the beginning of the start and body cooling down by the 45 minute delay – Check Still focused on finish line – Check Two things I discover now… Not happy with IPhone battery life as I can’t get it to last the whole way. Secondly, My runner app is not accurate by comparison to the official times… The race started well…I was well on track…at the 10 mile mark the crowed that had me going and buzzing are dwindling a bit thin and fatigue of the lack of sleep is setting in…I pop a few gels and it keeps me going…I am still determined…The half way mark gets there and I am still on track for a PB. Then the Brooklyn bridge and the 16 mile mark…Not only am I hitting the wall, I am over zealous coming down the bridge into a cheering squad, I pulled a hamstring and as I haven’t done one of those before, the pain is sharp and persistent… I am no novice to injuries so I know I just need to walk it off…however, four miles later and I am really sore…really, really sore, and as we enter the Bronx, again I am motivated by the cheering crowds and attempt to break into a jog again and now I am in more pain with less than 10 steps as the groin muscle is pinched…I am almost contemplating giving up now as I can’t begin to imagine finishing this race. All that’s on my mind is the sponsors, the charity and how far I have travelled to get that finish medal…no matter what…I had promised Kate the day before that I would finish and would return to walk with her if that’s what it will take for her to finish…I know she will finish regardless but somehow, that spurs me on to continue…I also attempted to get to a medical unit for assistance as I needed a stretch but they were too busy so I continued…Figured I will see our cheering squad and get them to assist. I must have hit the wall pretty hard at some stage as I just stopped and was very disoriented…It was the spectators mighty cheers that brings you back to life…well and truly…at the 22nd mile I am dragging my feet and this dude just says, “its 4 miles and you are done, I know you will finish this, you want to”. I knew then I will finish it, although I kept looking for the cheering squad from Aus, I am grateful I have not seen them or them me as I was exhausted and had I stopped I would probably found it extremely hard to finish the race. I kept going and finished with a flurry running the last mile and getting there in under 5:00 hrs in fact official time is 04:56:46…Well, I finished and grabbed my medal and straight into a wheel chair with back spasms and 2 hours later with amazing help from Physio, I can just walk again. The end line was not sufficient to the brains trust of the organisers and we end up walking a further ¼ mile to collect our bags and now the Hotel that was supposed to be in an advantage to being close to he end line is 22 blocks away from the end line…mental note if you are running the marathon stay close to 77th street or as close as possible and finish early if you can…Luckily the tricycle boys at a very preposterous fee get you back eventually. I swear I would never do another marathon… I also learn that my five-fingers were why my hamstring and groin went as it was pressure on a nerve in my back had caused that…Back to Asics that’s for sure for a full marathon… In the evening we had a little get together at the Strand Hotel miles away but it was nice sharing in the triumphs and tribulations of other race participants… It’s over and I have my medal so proudly. Even though my time disappointed me…But, I had learnt that you can’t turn back time but I achieved the objective of finishing. One thought about running for a charity or having something that you are running for beyond just the run, I kept thinking of my boys and other children, teenagers and adults that the Kids Helpline assist… My thoughts were if by finishing the race I have committed my personal goal to get the funds to the charity and if that saves one single life…then it was worth all the pain. It is often we forget to say it but if there is one thing to take out of this whether its our children, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and family…just say these words as they are often forgotten but “everyone matters and everyone is loved and we need to say these often as reminders” I hope that you all truly follow that simple request and ensure that no one is left behind or neglected…Those simple words will lift any person from despair to hope. Every race no matter how tough has an end line and at the end everyone gets a medal and it’s the same one whether you finished in less than 3 hours or more than 6 hours we are all alike in our triumph.

DAY 4 USA 5th November 2011

After about three hours of sleep, I am ready for the 5km Dash, get into the foyer and meet several other runners from the group that are just as crazy as I am as some are actually running the marathon tomorrow as well. We walk up to the start line and agree to meet at the “Le Pain Quotidien” a great little French patisserie in Central park (allegedly, there is one back home in Surry Hills) try it out Sydney Siders the coffee is amazing. The first thing I learn is the 5 km dash is actually 5.98 kms and I am hoping they are not intending to add 20% to the marathon…I run it in good time and pretty happy with fitness so here is hoping to run a good time at the marathon…I would be chuffed with 3:30 but I really would like the 3:15 mark… After the race I meet Kate Offer (WA) & Mike Edyejones (Sydney) to add to my compatriot lists of fellow runners. Really great company and at the cafĂ© we meet three ladies who are inspirational and we discuss the marathon and the triumphs of finishing it…I am grateful as I truly now believe I can do the time and definitely finish it. After brunch we decide to head to “Laughing Man” a coffee shop run by Hugh Jackman as part of his affiliation with a charity: Then from there it was shopping at Macys and wow what a place…spent a small country’s GDP but the stuff was cheap…Cheaper anyway. Lesson of he day was don’t stay in a cheap ass place as a friend who is over here found out the hard way when she was robbed. The legend of Bagger Vance was on tele and that was another inspiration as its by far one of my favourite all time movies. It was a Will Smith Marathon and not sure exactly what bugged me the most that night but I did not sleep that well (at most just under two hours and regretting that I did not stick to my ritual of having a big night before a race day…Lesson to remember although the alcohol hypes me it also relaxes me… A bad night sleep leading to the big day

DAY 3 USA 4th November 2011

It’s the Friday & I am on my fourth room and not happy and now speaking to the customer relations manager who is extremely polite and helpful and although promises to fix it; I am almost tempted to tell her to jam it and to get out of there but there are so many people and the location is allegedly close to the finish line and I will need that. Today was dedicated to registering for the marathon and walking I connect with Rose (World Vision Charity Organiser and Representative), Amanda (World Amnesty Organiser and Representative) & Tony (Fellow runner for Amnesty from Western Australia) Its great to actually bond with some like minded people who are passionate about what they do and I do on some level wish I had connected earlier but better late than never. By the end of today I had walked about 70 plus blocks up and down town all day. I bought all new gear and to be honest, the gear is relatively cheap to the gear in Australia and its all good…then there is some how a disappointment that I don’t even have a shirt from the Kids Helpline and I would have gladly paid for it…(Feedback for them) In a moment of madness I also decided to run the “5 Km dash to the finish” although, not sure why I know I need a run under my belt if for nothing more than to know the end of the race path. A little fortune spent in accumulating a whole swag of items but really must head back as I have a new room to check in and a team dinner to attend. Needless to say the disappointment with Park Central Hades continue…Not get a chance to check-in till 6:00 pm and that means that I miss the team dinner and that sucked but also was promised a suite which did not eventuate and then later have more disappointments to come. During that process I discover I still have vey low tolerance for stupid people and especially sooks but, I don’t let that get under my skin and I venture out at night to 30 Rock (after a wee break). 30 Rock was grand and a must see in NYC. Its only on top of that building that I start comprehending the marathon course and the enormity of it… my only console is that I already ran one and I know I can finish it even injured. The term the city that never sleeps is accurate although I believe NY’s sleep but their sleep is sleeping-in but not necessarily do not sleep. The nightlife in Times Sq and the vibe is absolutely electric and cannot be experienced anywhere else in the world…If anyone reading this a can dispute that I am happy to take recommendations and visit any city that can rival NY.

Day 2-USA 3rd November 2011

The day started on the wrong foot and didn’t get better as the day progressed… I was booked at the Park Central NYC ( ) a great location I might start with the positives…Oh wait that is the only positive thing about that Hotel… So the first room had flooded carpets (I mean soaked) room 906 and it took 30 minutes of trying to call and I had to walk downstairs to get assistance. The next room was 826 and that was a cubby cupboard facing an office building that might as well wave to me every hour to say hell0…Not matching the price I was charged. The third room was 12 hours later and I will get to that in a while… The next adventure was at connecting the mobile…Ok folks if you have an iphone here is a little advise…Do Not go with anyone other than AT&T…the rest don’t match up but H2O is good but you will need to get your APN settings via ( And even that took 4 hours to get data & those who know me well that’s almost 48 hours without Facebook (but, for a wee little stint on the Delta airline) My next stop was Ground Zero I could not think of any other place to start my NYC sight seeing because to me there was nothing more important to experience and feel than that spirit of New York…it wasn’t that I seek to see the destruction but rather the rebuilding…The spirit that just harnessed and sticking it to the ruthless scum that thought their barbaric acts would dampen the spirit of the Americas, what it did is make them more resolute and united than anything they could have. Now back at the ranch, well it was a pigsty (aka The Park Central Hotel) and I have been checked in a nice room on the 19th Floor with great view of Times Sq. One tiny problem when I tried locking my valuables and the safe came off the wall and just missed my foot while trapping my pinkie. As grateful as I was not to break my foot, not very impressed about almost chopping a knuckle off my finger. I demand another room and they wanted to call an ambulance, it really wasn’t necessary despite the blood loss. The next room was even a bigger disappointment with a cubby room facing a wall… no bath which would probably mean after the race no chance to soak if I need it…Now I am mighty peeved and those that know can only imagine what the “Customer Relations” manager the next morning was in for… Applebees, at Time square for dinner and I think I am in the wrong place, food is average, cocktails are crap and shots are about 4 times the amount they should be… I later find out that pretty much summarises how I feel so far about my experience of the US of A…People are mostly super friendly and NY’s are witty and all know how to turn a buck. However, bigger is not always better and there seems to be a great lack of thought when it comes to planning and efficiencies… With all the disappointments I am still in love with the place.

Day 1-USA 2nd November 2011

I guess I start at the very longest day of my life by saying that it started at half past midnight when I got home after a very festive Melbourne Cup celebration. Then after a couple of hours sleep typically, I started packing my bag for my very big adventure to the big apple. And Journey indeed it was going to be. It s more than a run for me, its another discovery, another journey down learning lane… I think the run as most of my past 12 months had been a reason to start some learning and not necessarily know what the lessons are or where or how I intend to extract that knowledge…The only thing I can promise is I have lessons to learn and now the patience to wait for the teacher(s). After, a very stressful morning all of my own doing…I was packed and ready to hop n the cab…luckily, I booked it the night before (how organised am I?) No, it was a complete fluke that I went to the races in a cab and the cabbie was available. So now I am at the airport about to check in the flight I only recently booked due to Qantas strikes (insert Link) and the adventure starts in the queue ...I was not told about needing a Visa/Visa Waiver…(Link for Estra) so all you USA travel virgins fill this before you get to the airport…Clearly, there are many schmucks in my boat as they have a booth setup at the international terminal and for $10 will let you use their PCs. Now I have very little time to get on the flight and rush to the gate, but my delayed check-in allows me to grab three vacant seats…woo hoo stretch my long legs ;-) I got on and only to land after watching some pathetic movie such as Hangover 2 (WASTE OF TIME) and a brilliant movie such as the (The Source Code) Brilliant Story line (Parallel Universe… What are other Hany(s) are doing now I wonder? If nothing else I hope they are learning or teaching. Ahh Whatever. First mistake was I booked my transit trip 10 hours too late and trust me 10 hrs in LAX is pathetic. However, my learning were a very entertaining chat with an Israeli national Mr A Rapaport…who not surprisingly anymore was another person who had more parallels to my life than I can explain... A very entertaining 2 hours of multi topical discussions and we exchanged particulars to stay in touch. The people we meet n life are there to serve a purpose and that I truly believe in. The rest of the day was agony but I was soon on the flight to NYC and it’s a relief…by the time I landed in NYC it was 15:30 on Thursday back home which is 38 hour day (2/11/2011) or thereabouts. Damn that was a long day but the view of a well-lit NYC from the sky was worth it and I know I will be back again and again to NY…Rigot, I now get it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ready, Steady, GOOOOO

And So it Begins, 7:00 am and I have been awake for several hours already and still can't quite believe that I am off again on a little adventure...Wow NYC, and to participate in that marathon is definitely a dream come true... I want to thank so many people that helped get there... It will be two weeks of loads more photos, shenanigans, pain and surely one 42.195km run... I won't rave on just now as I still need to get dressed and figure a way to organise the messy house before I go... But two things I need to remember at the back of my mind for this trip
And finally to those that want to understand running, this photo from my maiden marathon last year epitomises it all for me... For those intending to follow, I hope you find it entertaining and love to get feedback and suggestion... Fo now...Getting ready for the next Adventure