Thursday, November 17, 2011

DAY 14 USA 15th November 2011

 After being awake most of the night with headache, fever and enough flam to rival any camel I am not sure I have any energy left in me for anything today. I am planning on an easy day. Maybe a walk two blocks to Japan town and then a visit to Alcatraz and a nana nap before the Opera and sleep tonight so I can pack for tomorrow’s trip home… Good plan?

It starts ok with the 2 blocks walk but then moves into a 2 miles hike to get to the ferry for Alcatraz from Pier 33.  Followed by a two hour walking audio-guided tour of Alcatraz. Then head back to the Wharfs for Clam Chowder (thanks Amanda). Now I make the mistake of realizing I haven’t bought my mum a pressie & that was a BIG MISTAKE. I go from one present for mum to bags and bags and bags & I am tired and no time to nap and stressing about the luggage and baggage weight. Arrrgh! Ok, I am blaming my mum for that J

I get to the Opera and there are some seriously ends of the spectrum, there are those dressed like they have been invited to meet the queen, there are those in Jeans, there are those in dresses and suits and arrive on push bikes, there are those that are dressed in ragged jeans and t-shirts and even one lady was dressed in a kimono.

The Opera building is magnificent and I am almost embarrassed that I am hungry and they were selling sandwiches in the foyer and me standing alone with a glass of red vino and a turkey wrap seemed wrong…Thankfully, no one would ever know that (til now)

The seat is front row dress circle but the guy next to me makes me nervous by leaning forwards so much I feel he is about to fall over the railings. Also, the girl behind me must have been a hopeful cast (perhaps rejected) but she attempted to sing along before the Opera started as the Orchestra was warming up…Thankfully that did not occur during the performance J

The Opera was in French with English subtitles, the cast was brilliant and it included a children’s chorus line of almost 30 kids (probably between 9-13) very impressive. The props were superb and it was definitely a play to behold. Although, I still think that the Albert Hall Performance in London was by comparison much larger scale from a prop and stage but the voices of the San Francisco Opera performers was grandeur and especially in French…
I highly recommend it to anyone who appreciates the arts to attend a theatrical performance and please don’t go in jeans to the opera, even a grub like me knows that.

That was a superb way to conclude my last night in the USA for 2011…Thank you San Francisco…

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